10 Ways to Piss Off a Website with Guest Posting

Bernal Connect
2 min readDec 2, 2021


Simple Rules for Guest Posting

We run a website called Understanding eCommerce, where we provide helpful content to business owners around digital marketing, AdWords, eCommerce, and more. As part of this effort, we allow free guest posts on topics related to digital marketing. As a result, we received a consistent flow of content and an onslaught of inquiries on how to write for us.

We respond to every inquiry with what we think are very clear instructions on how to submit a guest post for review.

We do not add links to existing content. However, you are welcome to submit a guest post linking to your resource.

Guest posts are free provided they are original and relevant

You can submit your articles here — https://understandingecommerce.com/guest-post-submission-seo-digital-marketing-blogs-for-guest-post/

Posting guidelines — https://understandingecommerce.com/write-for-us-guest-post/

Seems pretty straightforward, no? These are the top 10 things that writers ask us after receiving these instructions. These are guaranteed ways to make my head explode.

1. How much does it cost? Which part of free do you not understand?

2. Can I email it to you? It would be easier. It would be easier if you followed the instructions we provided.

3. OK, here’s my Google doc link. Great, because I really want to copy and paste from Google docs. NO

4. Can you insert a link for us? Read the first line.

5. Can you do it this one time? Sure, we’ll make an exception for you and everyone else.

6. I can pay you (some nominal fee) if you do it. Unfortunately, you can’t afford me.

7. Here is my article on cat hairballs. Great, we love off-topic content. And even though our readers came to learn about digital media tips, I am sure hairballs are so much more enjoyable.

8. I forgot to add (bio, link, image, whatever) — can you just add it. See response #2 above.

9. Where’s my link? I submitted the article 4 minutes ago. Oh wait, let’s drop everything because someone submitted another hairball article.

10. Thanks for posting my content- Look, I don’t have time. Oh, wow, wait — someone appreciates what we do. How cool is that?

We love the content supplied by our guest writers. And we appreciate how important it is to them to be posted. And at the same time, we ask that you respect our time as well. Our instructions are relatively simple- we know this because many writers submit to us every day, and most of them return to submit content again.

If you want to guest post, probably because you want a do-follow backlink, it is easy.

